Agenda item

Performance Overview

Report of Interim Strategic Director, Care Wellbeing and Learning


The Committee received a report outlining performance data for 2016/17. It was reported that to date there is 371 children looked after in Gateshead, this is above the national average and work is ongoing to look at this in terms of how to reduce numbers, for example through early help and support before children come into care.


The majority of looked after children are in the age group 9-17 years old. There are less younger children as it would be hoped most would be rehabilitated to home or adopted.  In relation to the types of orders it was confirmed that the majority are through section 20 orders, this is a voluntary arrangement where the parents are working with the local authority, the local authority has no parental responsibilities.  A full care order is based on assessments on the family and occurs when there is no option for the child to return home, this lasts until the child is 18.


It was noted that placement stability is important in ensuring positive outcomes for young people. This performance indicator is measured through the number of looked after children who have had three of more placements during the year. It was reported that 3.5% of looked after children in Gateshead have had three or more moves, the national average is 11%.  In relation to long term placements, 86.8% of looked after children in Gateshead have remained in their placement for at least 2 and a half years, the national average is 67%.


The number of out of borough placements remains static, the majority are in foster placements just outside of Gateshead in the local area. It was confirmed however that some placements are further afield, in Barnet, South Lakeland and North Yorkshire. In terms of adoption there have been 17 this year, 13 of which were within the best interest date timescale, this is above the national average.


It was reported that care leavers data is gathered based on the position of the care leaver on their 18th birthday, which does not take into account any breaks in education, employment or training.


The Mind of My Own (MOMO) app is continuing to be used to gather LAC views, which is being used in conferences and LAC reviews. The MOMO continues to be developed for younger children and also for those young people who are not verbal.


It was questioned what is in place to keep the knowledge within the service when there is a high staff turnover. It was confirmed that monthly meetings are held with the quality assurance team and reports are fed back to senior management team who keep on top of data.


It was queried why the number of LAC is higher in Gateshead than in other areas. It was confirmed that all North East authorities are higher, which is as a result of the economic deprivation in the area. Work is ongoing to get to the root of the problem before it escalates. It was questioned at what point the number of LAC becomes too much. It was acknowledged that the average case load for Social Workers in Gateshead is 22 cases, for Gateshead this between 350 – 390 LAC. It was also noted that numbers have plateaued over the last few years.


RESOLVED    -           That the comments of the Committee on the performance

outlined be noted.

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