Agenda item

Fostering Service Annual Report

Report of Interim Strategic Director, Care Wellbeing and Learning


The Committee received a report on the work of the Fostering Service over the last 12 months. During the year the number of looked after children peaked at 376, but has now dropped back to 340.  It was reported that over the last year the Fostering Service has worked on providing a range of placements, approving a cohort of adopters, there has also been some de-registrations of foster carers due to retirement or change of circumstances.


In terms of the number of referrals it was confirmed that 62% of placements were needed on the same day, 6% were needed for the following date and 24% were planned placements. It was recognised that the majority were made on the same day in crisis situations.


It was noted that 42 sibling groups were referred, one of which was a group of five. It was acknowledged that it is unlikely that there would be an available foster carer to take all five siblings, typically the most a foster carer could take would be a sibling group of three.  The team would look at each case individually and in each case it would be expected that contact would remain between the sibling group.


During the year there was an average of 20 enquiries per month from potential foster carers. It was reported that the conversion rate from enquiries to approval is approximately 11% nationally, however over the last year this dropped to 8% in Gateshead. It was acknowledged that there is a complex process before panel and work is ongoing to increase the conversion rate. A recruitment and retention strategy is in place to promote the service, there has been publicity through the Council’s website, Council News, bridge banners, posters and radio adverts.


Service development will continue around the Staying Put scheme which allows young people aged 18 and over to remain in their fostering placements. It was noted however that this reduces the number of foster placements available, therefore the service will ensure there is a robust recruitment strategy in place.


It was questioned how the service ensures the retention of foster carers. It was noted that this is done through payment for skills and ongoing professional development to keep foster carers as upskilled as possible. It was confirmed that work is ongoing to increase the availability of complex teenage placements by ensuring foster carers have the skills to manage these young people. It was also pointed out that Gateshead is above target in terms of placement stability and the service is continuing to strive towards ensuring good standards continue. It was reported that the aim is to recruit 30 new sets of foster carers every year, and that both formal and informal support will be provided by using experienced foster carers to buddy newly recruited carers.


It was queried whether any of the foster carers move from the Council into private agencies. It was confirmed that this does not normally happen, however the Council does receive a number of foster carers moving from private agencies. It was confirmed that this year there has been 24 foster carers de-registered, however 25 have been recruited, and there were no foster carers who left to go to other agencies.  Committee was advised that the Council offers whole family support and a competitive package which ensures that foster carers feel valued.


It was questioned whether there is a focus on training foster carers in relation to young people leaving care. It was confirmed that this is part of young people’s care plan and pathway, which is monitored by Independent Reviewing Officers, and foster carers must show delivery of independent living and development skills.


The point was made that recruitment of foster carers from the BME community is low. It was acknowledged that the service is linking in with local groups to increase recruitment, however, because there is a small number of looked after children from the BME community it is about making sure foster carers have placements. It was confirmed that there are good links with the Jewish community made through the recruitment strategy.


RESOLVED    -           That the comments  of the Committee be noted.

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