Agenda and draft minutes

Gateshead Schools Forum - Thursday, 12th December, 2024 2.00 pm

Venue: Microsoft Teams. View directions

Contact: Kate Lowes – Democratic Services Officer, Tel: 0191 433 4244, Email: 

No. Item




Apologies were received by Alison Hall, Rebecca Matthews, Jacqui Ridley, Michelle Richards, Paul Harris and Councillor Sheila Gallagher.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 94 KB

The Forum is asked to approve as a correct record the minutes of the last meeting held on the 7 November 2024



Matters arising:


i.                 Sarah Diggle is to step down from the membership of the Forum. The forum expressed their thanks for Sarah Diggle’s service, including as Vice-Chair of the Forum.

ii.                Steve Wraith has joined the membership of the Forum secondary maintained governor representative.




i.                 That the Forum will appoint a Vice-Chair at the next meeting.

ii.                That the minutes of the meeting held on 7th November 2024 are approved as an accurate record.


De-Delegation Ethnic Minority and Traveler Achievement Service pdf icon PDF 126 KB

Report by Julie McDowell, Education Schools and Inclusion



The Forum gave consideration to the report which provided an update on the background and service delivered by EMTAS so the de-delegation for the financial year 2025-2026 can be determined.


The Forum discussed the current vacant role within the service and determined that the work associated with the role has continued. The Forum discussed that recruitment may be sought to expand the team and provide further capacity of the overall service such as supporting referrals.




i.                 That the Forum agreed the proposal.


De-Delegation Emotionally Based School Avoidance pdf icon PDF 96 KB

Report by Julie McDowell, Education Schools and Inclusion



The Forum gave consideration to the report, which provided an update on the Emotionally Based School Avoidance (EBSA) Learning Mentor Service, to determine the de-delegation for the financial year of 2025-26.


The Forum was informed of the decision to for the relevant teams to combine in January to better serve the needs of the service. Due to this, the referral process will change. The Forum was asked to note this update when considering the recommendations.


The Forum raised concerns in relation to the timing of providing the information included in the report. It was further discussed that head teachers are representatives of teachers who require consultation of such matters before decisions can be made. It was requested that such information is provided in September of each year to allow the required consultation period.


The Forum discussed the likelihood of having to agree the proposals because of the potential for good, and that disagreeing the proposals would not best serve the service or Gateshead, however, the Forum made known the lack of future consultation would result in not being able to agree.




i.                 That the Forum agreed the recommendation.


Fair Access Educational Psychologist pdf icon PDF 123 KB

Report by Paula Nagel, Principal Education Psychologist


The Forum gave consideration to the report which requests the de-delegated funding from maintained primary schools to continue the funding of the post for the Fair Access Panel (FAP) Educational Psychologist (EP).


The service offers an annual training programme on an ongoing basis to support all schools who contribute to the resource. Training is presented on a range of topics with pre-recorded training being the preference of the majority of schools.


The service is evaluated strongly, being assessed as valuable while maintaining quick availability.


Staff are supported and upskilled which serves to further support schools, children and families.


The Forum clarified that the FAP pay for the equivalent of one full-time EP to allow for quicker response times whilst utilising the breadth of experience across the team.




i.                 That the Forum agreed the recommendation.


De-Delegation SEMH Support pdf icon PDF 114 KB

Report by Colin Jackson, Education Schools and Inclusion



The Forum gave consideration to the report, which updated on the HINT SEMH service that is currently funded through de-delegation, to determine further de-delegation for the financial year of 2025-26.


The Forum was informed of the increased demand of the service as it now works to support secondary as well as primary schools.


The service provides a comprehensive training programme which provides bespoke solutions as required.


The Forum discussed the equity available is only for those that currently buy in to the model, however, the proposal looks to expand the team and acknowledges the need is there to support all schools. It was clarified that the intervention aspect of the service is what is provided through de-delegation currently only to primary schools. 


It was raised that further consultation of the service would be helpful going forward.




i.                 That the Forum agreed the recommendation.



De-Delegation Trade Union Facility Time and Maternity Credits pdf icon PDF 86 KB

Report by Carole Smith, Resources and Digital



Prior to consideration of the report, the following declarations of interest were made:


-        P. Largue declared interest due to being a Trade Union Representative.

-        M. Malik declared interest due to Trade Union membership.


The Forum gave consideration to the report which highlighted options for de-delegation, in respect of Maternity Credits and Trade Union Facility.


The Forum discussed previously made points in regard to procedure. The Forum requested that each element of the item will, in future, be subject to a separate report.




i.                 That the Forum agreed the recommendations. 


Date and Time of Next Meeting

Thursday 9 January 2025 via Microsoft Teams.


The next Forum is scheduled for Thursday 9th January 2025, 14:00 via Microsoft Teams.