Agenda and draft minutes

Housing, Environment and Healthy Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee - Monday, 13th May, 2024 1.30 pm

Venue: Bridges Room - Civic Centre. View directions

Contact: Grace Anderson - Democratic Services Officer 

No. Item


Minutes of the last meeting pdf icon PDF 79 KB


The minutes of the last Committee meeting held on 11 March 2024 were agreed as a correct record.


Declarations of Interest

Committee members to declare an interest in any particular agenda item where applicable.


There were no declarations of interest.


Housing Performance Report - Quarter 4 2023/24 pdf icon PDF 123 KB

Report of the deputy Chief Executive/Strategic Director of Housing , Environment and Healthy Communities.


Additional documents:


The Committee received and noted the report providing the housing performance results at the end of quarter 4, 2023/24. Full details of the performance results were appended to the report.


The Committee queried the figures presented on rent losses for void properties noting that the figure seemed high. It was explained that the figure reported would never be zero due to the time required to ‘turn around’ a property once it is vacated by a tenant and then made lettable again.


The Committee noted that every effort should be made to reduce the time taken for void properties to become lettable. However, it was also acknowledged that as the Council’s reliance on contractors reduces, timescales should be shortened overall for repairs and maintenance.



(i)               The Committee noted the report.



Tenant Satisfaction Survey 2023/24 pdf icon PDF 189 KB

Report of the deputy Chief Executive/Strategic Director of Housing , Environment and Healthy Communities.


Additional documents:


The Committee received a report providing the results of the Tenant Satisfaction Survey 2023/24.


The Committee queried whether the questions asked within the survey were ‘too broad’, officers advised that many of the questions had been set by the Regulator and it was acknowledged that some questions were broad.


The Committee also noted that there had been a seasonal variation in complaints received by the Council, it was noted particularly that the majority of damp and mould complaints would be received during the colder months of the year. The Committee requested a more detailed month-by-month breakdown of complaints to identify trends – this would form part of any future update on tenant satisfaction.



(i)               The Committee requested a month-by-month breakdown of customer complaints to determine any trends in tenant satisfaction depending on the time of year.

(ii)              The Committee noted the report.


Housing and Compliance Performance Monitoring - Quarter 4 pdf icon PDF 114 KB

Report of the deputy Chief Executive/Strategic Director of Housing , Environment and Healthy Communities.



The Committee received a report providing an overview of the current building safety and compliance position.


From the report, the Committee noted updates in relation to Redheugh, Eslington, Regent and St Cuthbert’s Court; officers advised that these are currently in ‘Tranche 1’ for safety case reports.


Updates were also provided in relation to risks and mitigation across the Council’s stock. It was reported that there are currently two high rise blocks with window panels that do not meet current standards yet both are in the process of decommissioning and have acceptable mitigation in place agreed with the fire service.



(i)               The Committee noted the report.


Development of Work Programme for 2024-25 pdf icon PDF 88 KB

Joint report of the Chief Executive and the Strategic Director of Corporate Services & Governance.

Additional documents:


The Committee received a report providing details the Overview and Scrutiny work programme setting process for 2024-25 and a list of suggested topics for inclusion in the work programme, relevant to the remit of the Committee.



(i)               The Committee noted the emerging issues for the 2024/25 work programme.