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Contact: Melvyn Mallam-Churchill, Tel: 0191 433 2149, Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Jonathan Wallace, Cllr Leigh Kirton, Cllr Michael McNestry, Cllr Pamela Burns, Dr Mark Dornan, Helen Fergusson and Stephen Kirk. |
The minutes of the meeting held on the 9 June 2023 are attached for approval, together with the Action List Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED: (i) That the minutes of the meeting held on 9 June 2023 be approved. (ii) That the action list update be noted.
Matter arising: The Chair reminded the Board that the assurance sub-group of the Health & Wellbeing Board is seeking expressions of interest for membership; Board members were encouraged to sign up if they have not already done so.
Declarations of Interest Members of the Board to declare an interest in any particular agenda item. Minutes: RESOLVED: (i) That there were no declarations of interest. |
Updates from Board Members Minutes: The Board received verbal updates from members as follows:
· The Healthwatch Gateshead Annual Report 2022-23 has been published; a copy of the report was appended to the agenda pack for information. It was agreed that an update report on the future priorities for Healthwatch Gateshead would be scheduled for a future meeting.
· The NENC Joint Forward Plan is being developed; Lynn Wilson advised the Board that the the draft plan is currently being consulted upon. The Board were reminded that they would be invited to take part in the consultation via separate MS Teams meetings in August and also on the 4th September.
· Dale Owens advised the Board that Nicola Bailey had been appointed as the Safeguarding Adults Board Chair.
· Lisa Goodwin noted that the voluntary sector compact is being refreshed and it was agreed to bring an item on the compact to a future Board meeting.
· Joanna Clark highlighted that as part of the NHS 75th anniversary, an open day had taken place within the Trust and that this had been well attended. The Board also noted an update on the impact of the doctors strikes at the QE, it was acknowledged that these strikes have been challenging for both staff and patients due to some planned work being stood down.
· The Citizen’s Advice Bureau in Gateshead is now open 7 days per week.
RESOLVED: (i) That the Board note the updates provided.
A New Home Improvement and Assistance Service for Gateshead - Peter Wright PDF 112 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Board received a report seeking support for proposals regarding the implementation and development of a new ‘home improvement and assistance’ service for Gateshead.
From the report, the Board were provided with information relating to the new service as follows:
· A single, multidisciplinary, and in-house team will be responsible for the whole end-to-end adaptations process and providing a person-centred, tenure blindservice. · The team will comprise of case managers, OT’s, technical expertise and administrativesupport. · It would have increased capacity, with staffing proposals and levels based on current demand, and an assessment of the required skills needed for serviceimprovement. · Additional staffing costs could be met from capitalisation, and therefore would be unlikely to impact on the GeneralFund. · A near total redesign of job roles and responsibilities requiring organisationalchange. · Potential additional roles will include handypersons, a social prescriber, resettlement, and hospital dischargeroles. · There will be a development of links with the Council’s current supporting independence team based in Building CleaningServices. · There is a proposed redesigned workflow, with the home improvement and assistance service (or HIA) being the first point of contact, undertaking triage, visits, and assessment, post visit activities, and obtaining customerfeedback. · A systems-based approach will be taken wherever possible to reduce cost, ensure better efficiency andperformance.
It was highlighted that the new service would also have 22 employees, an increase on the current adaptations team of 8.2 full time equivalent posts. It was explained that this increase would be met using a mix of existing staff and new recruitment.
The Board commented that the new service meets the ethos of the Health & Wellbeing Board in being person-centred; Board members also noted that an improvement plan will be produced to address the backlog of residents waiting for an assessment for adaptations to their homes.
A further comment was made noting that patients who have adequate home adaptations can receive more efficient care from district nurses within their homes.
RESOLVED: (i) That the Board supported the proposals to establish a new home improvement and assistance service in Gateshead. (ii) That the Board requested an update report on the progress being made in implementing the new service at a future meeting. |
Specialist & Supported Housing Needs Assessment & Strategy - Vicky Sibson and Amy Davies PDF 1 MB Minutes: The Board received a presentation and report providing an update on a proposed new ‘Specialist and Supported Accommodation Needs Assessment and Strategy’. Feedback and endorsement from the Board was sought prior to the strategy being presented to Cabinet in September 2023.
The Board were advised that consultants Housing LIN were commissioned to undertake specialist and supported housing needs assessment strategy; it was reported that the needs assessment scope included older people (aged 55+), people with a disability and people experiencing or at risk of homelessness. The Board were provided with a summary of findings from the research and consultation for information.
It was highlighted that the strategy will aim to engage with:
· Housing organisations that provide supported, specialist and mainstream housing. · Support and care organisations that provide supported housing services. · Community organisations in Gateshead with an interest in specialist and supported housing.
1. To develop and enable the provision of a wide range of homes, including supported and specialist homes, that are suited to the needs of an ageing population. 2. To commission and develop a range of specialist and supported housing, with associated care and support services, that enable adults with longer term care and support needs to have a home in the community. 3. To commission and develop a range of specialist and supported housing, with associated support services, for young people and adults who are homeless, or who are at risk of homelessness; and homes for young people who are care experienced. 4. To enable and provide a range of accessible and adapted homes suited to the needs of people with physical disabilities and/or long-term conditions. 5. To maintain and raise the standard and quality of supported housing services.
The Board expressed its support to the aims of the strategy; a comment was made noting that it provides an opportunity for innovation. A discussion also took place on the “home first” model for adult social care in Gateshead; it was noted that improvements to supported housing would support residents to live more fulfilling lives.
RESOLVED: (i) That the Board endorsed the draft specialist and supported accommodation needs assessment and strategy. (ii) That the Board endorsed an annual review of the needs assessment to monitor and assess demand. (iii) That the Board endorsed the development of a joint plan between health, housing and social care for the implementation of the identified accommodation needs plan.
Health Determinants Research Collaboration Gateshead - Edward O' Malley Minutes: The Board received a presentation providing an update on the Health Determinants Research Collaboration in Gateshead.
The Board acknowledged that the HDRC was a complex and multi-faceted initiative and endorsed the aims and objectives of the collaboration. The Board also noted that the research collaboration would support and help with the system’s understanding of deprivation across Gateshead and also endorsed the proposals that are ‘resident centric’. A comment was made noting that the involvement and input from the community and voluntary sector was important.
RESOLVED: (i) That the Board noted the update. |
Workforce and Workforce Development - Nicola McDougal Minutes: The Board received a presentation from Nicola McDougal providing an update on Workforce and Workforce Development across the CBC Health Federation in collaboration with partners from across the Gateshead Cares Workforce Partnership.
The Board received updates on the ‘Step Into Work’ scheme and the new health and care summer school being run throughout August. The Board noted that retention of staff was a key priority across the sector; it was also noted that there is to be a development of career progression routes for new and existing staff.
From the presentation, the Board also received an update on the ‘Flexible Workforce Hub’ which aims to provide cover to fill short term workforce gaps across Gateshead’s 25 GP Practices.
RESOLVED: (i) That the Board noted the update.
Gateshead Cares System Board Update - Mark Dornan / All Minutes: RESOLVED: (i) That the Board noted the update. |
Gateshead Better Care Fund Submission 2023-25 - John Costello PDF 140 KB Minutes: The Board received a report providing the Better Care Fund (BCF) Plan submission requirements for 2023-25 and the submission documents for retrospective endorsement.
RESOLVED: (i) That the Board endorsed the 2023-25 BCF submission for Gateshead. |
NENC Joint Forward Plan PDF 184 KB Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED: (i) That the Board noted the item for information. |
Healthwatch Annual Report 2022/23 PDF 2 MB Minutes: RESOLVED: (i) That the Board noted the item for information.
Pharmacy notifications from NHS England PDF 23 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: RESOLVED: (i) That the Board noted the item for information.