Agenda and minutes

Gateshead Health and Wellbeing Board - Friday, 11th June, 2021 9.00 am

Venue: Council Chamber - Civic Centre. View directions

Contact: Melvyn Mallam-Churchill, Tel: 0191 433 2149, Email: 

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Bernadette Oliphant, Cllr Martin Gannon, Cllr Paul Foy, Cllr Susan Craig, Andrew Beeby James Duncan, Jo Corrigan and Mark Adams.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 210 KB

Additional documents:


The minutes of the last meeting held on 23 April 2021 were agreed as a correct record.


The Board also received an update on items contained within the Action List; it was noted that the recommendations from the Director of Public Health’s Annual Report would be fed into the Board’s Forward Plan. It was also reported that the update on Homelessness and Rough Sleeping would come to the Board at the September 2021 meeting.


Declarations of Interest

Members of the Board to declare an interest in any particular agenda item.



(i)            There were no declarations of interest.


Covid-19 Response & Vaccine Update - Alice Wiseman / Lynn Wilson


The Board received a verbal update and presentation with an update on the local Covid-19 response and vaccine rollout.


It was noted that there has been a slow rise in cases since 2 June 2021 with 130 cases reported in the last 7 days. The Board were also advised that there had been a strong uptake in testing and vaccination; it was highlighted that 74.0% of the adult population had now received a first dose of a vaccine.


The Board were then presented with a summary of positive cases which showed that the average age of those testing positive for Covid-19 was 42. Data was also presented across a range of other age-groups in addition to data on negative test results.


A summary of regional communication campaigns was provided; from the update the Board noted that the “Every Question Matters” campaign is to launch on Monday 14 June to promote vaccine uptake and address common concerns. The Board were also provided with an overview of the Covid Junior Champions Programme, a partnership between Gateshead Public Health and Edberts House.


The Board agreed that it was important that the vaccine rollout continues at pace; concern was noted that there are some supply issues which are causing some problems for Gateshead. The Board also discussed the importance of all eligible adults booking their second dose of the vaccine as soon as they can.


A discussion took place on the potential of booster vaccinations in the Autumn/Winter; it was suggested by officers that a local approach to the vaccine rollout works best and that this has been proven in Gateshead. It was asked whether it was important to receive the same vaccine as a booster than what had been given as part of the initial vaccination phase. It was confirmed that a different vaccine can be given as a booster and that this may even improve protection against serious illness.


The Board noted that there was a growing prevalence of positive cases amongst the younger population and school-age children, those most likely to be socialising and those most likely to have not been vaccinated yet. Concern was noted that the long-term physical health impact of Covid-19 is not yet known. It was also noted that the pandemic and the various lockdowns and restrictions have had a severe impact on the mental health of young people. The Board were advised that a report on the impact of Covid on disadvantaged areas would be presented at the next meeting.


It was asked whether there was capacity within the system to have a vaccination programme within schools to encourage vaccination uptake in more deprived areas. It was highlighted that sites close to schools are being looked at. A discussion also took place on the pandemic and how it has exacerbated inequalities across Gateshead.


It was agreed that the primary care workforce, working with partners across the system in Gateshead have done some amazing work throughout the pandemic.



(i)            The Board noted the update within the  ...  view the full minutes text for item HW263


Gateshead System Working - Lynn Wilson / All (Presentation)


The Board received a verbal update noting that partners across the system have been working closely on matters such as delayed transfer of care and the discharge to assess model. It was noted that there has also been a number of joint appointments across the CCG and the local authority.


The Board were provided with an overview of the ‘Integrated Gateshead Team’ in addition to a summary of the strategic plans for 2021 and beyond. It was noted that a planned approach was needed as we come out of the pandemic where services have largely been ‘fire-fighting’. The Board also noted an update on clinical leadership and the prevention agenda.


It was highlighted that there is to be a review of children’s speech and language therapy services and that work is ongoing with the integrated commissioning team. The Board also agreed to receive an update on services for older people and family drug and alcohol services at a future  meeting.


The Board welcomed the update and agreed that there was a lot of positive action taking place. Concern was noted that the demand on local authority children’s services showed no sign of slowing down. It was also noted that the community and voluntary sector are keen to play an active part in taking forward work on the transformation of community mental health services.

It was reported that there are three strands of work within the CCG being prioritised, these are:

·         Delivering the health and wellbeing vision

·         Evolving arrangements linked to Gateshead Place

·         Covid recovery


It was further noted that demand for A&E services is high and that a ‘talk before you walk’ campaign is being promoted to encourage the use of NHS 111. The Board also noted comments that NHS 111 had some issues in responding to demand. The Board were advised that GP services continue to face unprecedented demand.


The Board were also advised of the ‘Be Kind’ campaign, the Board were encouraged to view a clip from the campaign available on online.



(i)            The Board noted the updates and it was agreed that it would receive a presentation from the Integrated Gateshead Team at its next meeting.



Gateshead Health & Care System Update - Mark Dornan / All




(i)            The Board noted the update from the Gateshead Health & Care System (Gateshead Cares).



Review of Membership of the Health & Wellbeing Board - Alice Wiseman pdf icon PDF 352 KB


The Board received a report to seek initial views on a review of the Health & Wellbeing Board membership so that the Board is best placed to take forward the key aims of the Health & Wellbeing Strategy and the recommendations of the DPH 2020 annual report on inequalities in Gateshead.


It was reported that securing the right balance of membership was important in order to enable the Board to focus on areas linked to the wider determinants of health such as housing, economy and creating sustainable and resilient communities.


The Board agreed that a ‘primacy of place’ approach to initiatives and services was important, it was noted that the new Strategic Housing Board for Gateshead would be tackling issues that also feed into the Health & Wellbeing Strategy. It was noted that it is important that the lines are not blurred with other strategic boards and that priorities must be clear.


A discussion took place on prospective changes to the Board’s membership and potential options.



(i)            The Board considered the issues set out within the report and agreed to review its membership so that it is best placed to take forward key priorities.

(ii)           The Board agreed to receive a further update on proposed membership at the next meeting.




BCF 2020/21: End of Year Template Return to NHS England - John Costello pdf icon PDF 194 KB


The Board received a report for endorsement to the Better Care Fund end of year return for 2020/21 that has been submitted to NHS England on 19th May 2021.



(i)            The Board retrospectively endorsed the Better Care Fund end of year return for 2020/21.




NHS England notification of application to relocate premises: MD & AG Burdon Ltd (Whickham) - John Costello pdf icon PDF 152 KB

Additional documents:


The Board received a copy of a letter regarding the application of MD & AG Burdon Ltd to move premises.


The Board noted the requested and had no objections.



(i)            The Board noted the application and letter.


Updates from Board Members


The Board noted that Gateshead Council is to host a SEND pilot as requested by Ofsted. It was reported that this request is seen as a compliment to services within the Council and that schools have been contacted to support with the pilot.


The Board also noted updates on works underway at the QE and the formation of a committee within the Citizens Advice Bureau.



(i)            The Board noted the updates.



Agree substantive items for July and September Board meetings



(i)            Items for the July Board meeting were confirmed.





(i)            There was no other business.