Agenda and minutes

Gateshead Health and Wellbeing Board - Friday, 5th March, 2021 9.00 am

Venue: Microsoft Teams. View directions

Contact: Melvyn Mallam-Churchill, Tel: 0191 433 2149, Email: 

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Caroline O’Neill, Lisa Goodwin, Mark Adams and Siobhan O’Neill.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 226 KB

The minutes of the business meeting held on 22nd January 2021 and Action List are attached for approval.

Additional documents:


The minutes of the last meeting held on 22 January 2021 were agreed as a correct record.


The Chair welcomed Dr Stephen Kirk as a new member of the Board and noted thanks to Bill Westwood for his contributions to the Board and to Gateshead.


The Board also received an update on items contained within the Action List; it was noted that the Board is to receive a substantive update on the development of the Homelessness/Rough Sleeping strategy and an update on the Gateshead Health & Care System.


Declarations of Interest

Members of the Board to declare an interest in any particular agenda item.



(i)               There were no declarations of interest.


Covid-19 Response & Vaccine Update - Alice Wiseman & Lynn Wilson / All


The Board received a presentation providing an update on the Covid-19 pandemic response and vaccination rollout.


From the presentation a case summary was provided showing that at the time of the meeting there had been a total of 13270 cumulative Covid-19 cases in Gateshead. A discussion also took place on inequalities across the borough highlighting that 75% of positive cases in Gateshead were from 50% of the most deprived areas.


A breakdown of cases by age was provided, the Board noted that cases were declining across all age groups in Gateshead. The Board were also provided with a summary of Covid-19 related deaths across 2020/21.


The Board also received an update on the vaccination programme across a variety of sites in Gateshead. It was highlighted within the update that the QE hospital had administered around 9,000 vaccines. It was noted that the vaccination programme is being rolled out on a huge scale both locally and nationally with staff across the system pulling together.


A discussion took place on pop-up vaccination sites being rolled out for residents who may be difficult to engage with; this included the homeless, refugees and asylum seekers. It was further noted that those from the travelling community are being considered in this planning.


A comment was made noting that a debate had taken place on BBC Radio 4 on the matter of private sector care providers mandating their staff to be vaccinated. The Board agreed that this was a contentious issue that required careful and thoughtful consideration from employers.


The Board agreed that the vaccine rollout had been a good example of the excellent partnerships and working relationships across the system.



(i)               The Board noted the update.


Director of Public Health Annual Report - Alice Wiseman pdf icon PDF 379 KB


The Board received a cover report and presentation on the Director of Public Health’s annual report titled: ‘It’s raining, it’s pouring: an update on inequalities in Gateshead 2017/20’.


The Board were advised that the report is a statutory function of the Director of Public Health and is required to be independent. It was highlighted that the report examines work across Gateshead partners over the last three years. It was noted that the report touches briefly on the Covid-19 pandemic to set out inequalities that have been exacerbated by the virus.


It was noted that unlike previous years, the new annual report would not be printed on mass in line with environmental targets; it was stated that the report would be available digitally.


From the presentation, the Board received updates on the following:


·        Economic inequality

·        The Poverty Truth Commission

·        Child poverty

·        Adverse Childhood Experiences

·        Economic, Innovation and Skills

·        Inequalities and Covid


A discussion took place on the impact of Covid on the development of the Health and Wellbeing Strategy for Gateshead; it was noted that the demands of the pandemic have impacted on work to progress the strategy.


A comment was made thanking the Director of Public Health for the inclusion and focus on children and young people within the report. The seven recommendations with the report were supported.



(i)               The Board considered and commented on the findings outlined within the report.



Gateshead Health & Care System Alliance Agreement - John Costello & Mark Dornan pdf icon PDF 497 KB


The Board received a report providing an update on work to develop an Alliance Agreement for the Gateshead Health and Care System from 1st April 2021.


It was reported that it is envisaged that the Agreement will be between Newcastle CCG, Gateshead Council, Gateshead Health NHS Foundation Trust, Cumbria, Northumberland Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust, Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Gateshead Primary Care and VCS.


The Board were advised that the Agreement is intended to facilitate further progress towards integrated commissioning and delivery of health and care services across Gateshead.


From the report, an overview of the Agreement vision and core objectives was provided in addition to a summary of the Agreement context, key work programme areas and governance arrangements. It was noted that the Alliance Agreement is a legally binding arrangement for the continued development of place-based collaborative work on health and care in Gateshead.


A comment was made noting that there has been an exciting and natural development of existing working arrangements to arrive at the Agreement and that things are moving in the right direction for the Gateshead Place system.



(i)               The Board noted the significant work that has taken place to develop the Alliance Agreement and thanked all partners for their contribution to this work.

(ii)              The Board endorsed the Alliance Agreement for the Gateshead Health & Care System from April 2021.



Gateshead Council's Corporate Performance Management Framework: A New Approach - Lindsay Murray & Kate Bond pdf icon PDF 237 KB


The Board received a report and presentation to seek its views on the proposed new approach to Gateshead Council’s Performance Management and Improvement Framework.


It was reported that the development of a new approach began on the agreement of some underpinning guiding principles which aim to develop a framework that:


·         Is shaped around the characteristics needed to enable people to thrive

·         Is simple, responsive, timely and meaningful indicators

·         Empowers employees to drive improvement

·         Evidenced impact of investment and resources (financial, asset, employees)

·         Considers partnerships, communities and aligned to key policies and strategies such as the Health and Well-being Strategy, housing and schools

·         Recognises locality-based approaches, population and community level    interventions to improve

·         Incorporates qualitative and quantitative approaches

·         Is intelligence led, using evidence to learn and improve

·         Considers how to incorporate a wider range of data, for example linking to a ‘Data hub’ approach

·         Measures the health of the organisation (balanced scorecard approach)

·         Enables members of the Council to scrutinise performance and see the impact of decision making


The Board noted that the Corporate Performance Framework would be structured around six policy objectives of the Health and Wellbeing Strategy, this included giving every child the best start in life.


A summary of officer engagement was provided from the presentation, this set out a positive and honest approach to rolling out the Framework. It was also highlighted that greater prominence of inequalities was needed.


The Board noted that Councillors would be engaged and consulted throughout the development of the Framework and that wider consultation would take place with partners. It was agreed that Board members views would be sought as part of this exercise.


From the presentation, the Board were then provided with a roadmap for the implementation of the Framework over the next 12 months; this included engagement with Overview and Scrutiny Committees and Cabinet.



(i)               The Board noted the contents of the report and presentation.

(ii)              The Board agreed to canvas views amongst partners to make contributions to the Framework.



Updates from Board Members


A discussion took place on the use of digital technology in primary care. It was highlighted that some service users have struggled, particularly those will no access to the internet and the elderly to participate in remote consultations. It was agreed that a fair balance needs to be struck to ensure that services can continue whilst maintaining patient safety during the pandemic.



(i)               The Board noted the update.





(i)               There was no other business.