Agenda and minutes

Budget Meeting, Council - Thursday, 23rd February, 2023 2.30 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Gateshead Civic Centre

Contact: Roz Patterson 

No. Item


Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Budget and Housing Capital Programme pdf icon PDF 96 KB

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to the Housing Revenue Account budget for 2023/24, the proposed rent changes, the proposals for the 2023/24 HRA fees and charges and the proposed Housing Capital Programme for 2023/24 with the indicative programme for 2024/25 – 2027/28.


COUNCIL RESOLVED           -           (i)         That the Housing Revenue Account, as

set out in Appendix 2 of the report, be approved.


                                                            (ii)        That the 7% rent increase from 3 April

2023, as detailed in Appendix 3 of the report, be approved.


                                                            (iii)       That the re-letting of social rent

properties at formula rent comparison, as detailed at Appendix 4 of the attached report, be approved.


                                                            (iv)       That the HRA service charges, as

detailed in Appendix 5 of the report, be approved.


                                                            (v)        That the Housing Capital Programme for

the five years 2023/24 to 2027/28, as set out in Appendix 6 of the report, be approved.


Capital Programme 2023/24 to 2027/28 pdf icon PDF 91 KB

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to the Capital Programme for the next five years to provide significant investment within the Borough to support the Council’s strategic approach to Making Gateshead a Place Where Everyone Thrives.


COUNCIL RESOLVED           -           (i)         That the capital programme for 2023/24

be approved.


                                                            (ii)        That the provisional programmes for

2024/25 to 2027/28 be approved.


Fees and Charges 2023/24 pdf icon PDF 89 KB

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to the level of fees and charges across all Council services for 2023/24.


COUNCIL RESOLVED           -           (i)         That the fees and charges as set out for

2023/24 in Appendix 2 be approved.


                                                            (ii)        That the Strategic Director, Resources

and Digital, be authorised to make any necessary adjustment to correct any errors in the schedule of Fees and Charges.


Budget and Council Tax Level 2023/24 pdf icon PDF 103 KB

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to the Budget and Council Tax level for 2023/24. As part of the Council Tax setting process approval was sought for the prudential indicators and Minimum Revenue Provision Statement.


Councillor Beadle moved the following amendment to the recommendations in the report:


Delete recommendations 23 (2), (3), (4), (10)(a) and (10)(b) and replace with the following:


23. (2)             The revenue estimates of £291,302,826 for 2023/24 are approved.


23. (3)             The budgeted use of £27.283 million Earmarked Reserves in 2023/24

be approved (comprising of £2.362 million budgeted use of strategic, £13.521 million budgeted use of pandemic, and £11.4 million budget sustainability).


23. (4)             That the proposed budgets including the indicative schools funding

presented in Appendix 2 be agreed. (Revised table attached).


23. (10) (a)      £660,490,336 being the aggregate total of the expenditure amounts,

which the Council estimates for the items, set out in Section 31A (2) of the Act taking into account the precept issued by Lamesley Parish Council.


23. (10) (b)      (£550,004,415) being the aggregate total of the income amounts,

which the Council estimate for the items, set out in Section 31A (3) of the Act.



In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 20.4, a recorded vote was taken as follows:


Councillors for the amendment:- V Anderson, R Beadle, P Craig, P Diston, D Duggan, S Hawkins, P Maughan, J Mohammed,  A Ord, C Ord, M Ord, I Patterson, J Wallace, D Welsh, A Wintcher.


Councillors against the amendment:- J Adams, D Bradford, M Brain, C Buckley, D Burnett, P Burns, L Caffrey, B Clelland, K Dodds, C Donovan, A Douglas, S Gallagher, M Gannon, A Geddes, F Geddes, B Goldsworthy, M Goldsworthy, T Graham, J Green, L Green, S Green, G Haley, M Hall, H Kelly, L Kirton, K McCartney, J McCoid, J McElroy, E McMaster, M McNestry, L Moir, B Oliphant, S Potts, J Reay, D Robson, S Ronchetti, J Simpson, J Turnbull, J Turner, R Waugh, D Weatherley, H Weatherley.



On the amendment being put it was defeated.



The original recommendations were put as the substantive motion.



Councillors for the recommendation:- J Adams, D Bradford, M Brain, C Buckley, D Burnett, P Burns, L Caffrey, B Clelland, K Dodds, C Donovan, A Douglas, S Gallagher, M Gannon, A Geddes, F Geddes, B Goldsworthy, M Goldsworthy, T Graham, J Green, L Green, S Green, G Haley, M Hall, H Kelly, L Kirton, K McCartney, J McCoid, J McElroy, E McMaster, M McNestry, L Moir, B Oliphant, S Potts, J Reay, D Robson, S Ronchetti, J Simpson, J Turnbull, J Turner, R Waugh, D Weatherley, H Weatherley.


Councillors against the recommendation:- V Anderson, R Beadle, P Craig, P Diston, D Duggan, S Hawkins, P Maughan, J Mohammed,  A Ord, C Ord, M Ord, I Patterson, J Wallace, D Welsh, A Wintcher.



The original recommendation was duly carried.




(1)        That Gateshead’s Band D council tax for 2023/24 be increased by 4.99%

(including a 2% adult social care Government charge) to £2,070.54.


(2)  ...  view the full minutes text for item CL81