No. |
Item |
C72 |
Apologies for absence
An apology for absence was received from
Councillor C Donovan.
C73 |
Minutes PDF 115 KB
Cabinet is asked to approve as a correct
record the minutes of the last meetings held on 24 and 31 October
Additional documents:
The minutes of the meetings held on 24 and 31
October 2023 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the
C74 |
Local Transport Plan: Capital Programme Mid-Year Update (November 2023) PDF 314 KB
Report of the Strategic Director, Economy,
Innovation and Growth
Consideration has
been given to an update on the Local Transport Plan (LTP) Capital
Programme, which provides a summary of the progress that has been
made and any changes to the programme that have occurred as it
stands at the end of Quarter 2.
That the revised programmes for
2023/24 as set out in
appendices A and B to the
report be approved, noting that there may be a need to review these
as the year progresses in line with available resources.
That the Service
Director, Highways and Waste, (and, in their absence, the Director
of Environment & Fleet Management) be authorised to award the
relevant works under the terms of the Highways, Drainage and Street
Lighting Maintenance Contract.
That the Service Director,
Climate Change, Compliance, Planning & Transport be authorised
to make changes to the
approved programme, following
consultation with the Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport,
as and when the need arises.
That the indicative integrated
transport and maintenance
programmes for 2024/25 as set
out in appendices D and E to the report be approved as a basis for
future planning.
The above decisions have been made to
enable the design and implementation of transport
schemes in support of the North East
Transport Plan and the Council’s policy
C75 |
Local Council Tax Support Scheme for 2024/25 PDF 152 KB
Report of the Strategic Director, Resources
and Digital
Consideration has
been given to recommending the Council to approve the Local Council
Tax Support Scheme for 2024/25.
The alternative
option to that being recommended, but which was
included the
adoption of a scheme, which offers less support by increasing the
minimum contribution or more support to residents, by increasing at
a greater rate the Council’s commitment of
That the Council be recommended to:
approve the proposed scheme as
set out in paragraphs 9 to
12 of the report;
give delegated powers to the Strategic Director, Resources and
Digital to provide regulations to give effect to the scheme
including publishing full details online.
The above decisions have been made for the
following reasons:
meet the statutory requirements of the Local Government Finance Act
2012 in relation the establishment of a framework for Localised
Council Tax Support.
mitigate the impact of the increased cost of living on Council Tax
support claimants.
mitigate the impact of funding reductions on Council
support the Council’s “Thrive” agenda.
C76 |
Treasury Management - Performance to 30 September 2023 PDF 305 KB
Report of the Strategic Director, Resources
and Digital
Consideration has been given to recommending
the Council to note a review Treasury Management
performance for the six months to 30 September 2023, covering
investments and borrowing.
That the Council be recommended to note the
Treasury Management Performance to 30 September 2023.
The above decision has been made to
contribute to sound financial management and the
long-term financial sustainability of the Council.
C77 |
Capital Strategy 2024/25 to 2028/29 PDF 148 KB
Report of the Strategic Director, Resources
and Digital
Consideration has been given to recommending
the Council to approve the proposed Capital Strategy
for 2024/25 to 2028/29, to support the framework used to set and
monitor the Capital Programme.
That the Council be recommended to approve the
Capital Strategy for 2024/25 to 2028/29 as set out in appendix 2
the report.
The above decision has been made to
ensure that the Council fully complies
the requirements of good
financial practice in capital accounting.
C78 |
Capital Programme and Prudential Indicators 2023/24 PDF 99 KB
Report of the Strategic Director, Resources
and Digital
Additional documents:
Consideration has been given to the latest
position on the 2023/24 Capital Programme and Prudential Indicators
at the end of the second quarter to 30 September 2023.
That the Council be recommended to approve all
variations to the 2023/24 Capital Programme as
detailed in appendix
2 to the report.
That the Council be recommended
to approve the financing of the revised programme set out in this
That it be confirmed to Council
that capital expenditure and financing requirements have been
revised in line with the amended budget and none of the approved
Prudential Indicators set for 2023/24 have been
The above decisions have been made for the
following reasons:
To ensure the
optimum use of the Council’s capital resources in
To accommodate
changes to the Council’s in-year capital expenditure
To ensure
performance has been assessed against the approved Prudential
C79 |
Revenue Budget - Second Quarter Review 2023/24 PDF 125 KB
Report of the Strategic Director, Resources
and Digital
Consideration has been given to the latest monitoring position on the 2023/24 revenue budget at
the end of the second quarter and to an administrative
That the Council’s
revenue expenditure position at the end of the second quarter, as
set out in appendices 1 and 2 to the report be noted.
That the administrative budget
virement transfer of £1.415m for supported housing as set out
in the report and
appendices be
The above
decisions have been made to contribute to sound
financial management and the long-term financial sustainability of
the Council.
C80 |
Budget 2024/25 - Consultation on Revenue Budget Proposals PDF 590 KB
Report of the Chief Executive, Borough
Treasurer and Corporate Management Team
Consideration has been given to consultation
on the draft revenue budget cuts
proposals for 2024/25.
That the immediate commencement of
consultation on the budget proposals set out in the report, to
conclude on 15
January 2024 be approved.
That the findings of the
consultation, together with a
proposed budget for 2024/25 be
considered at the Cabinet meeting on 20 February 2024, ahead of
recommending this to Council on 22 February 2024.
That further budget related
reports be received throughout the financial year, including the
outcome of specific consultation and engagement on individual
The above decisions have been made for the
following reasons:
To contribute to the good financial management
practice of the Council.
To maintain the financial sustainability of
the Council over
the medium to long term.
C81 |
Gateshead International Stadium - Options Appraisal Update PDF 141 KB
Report of the Director of Public Health and
Strategic Director, Resources and Digital
Additional documents:
Consideration has been given to an update on the progress made in the options
appraisal for the Gateshead
International Stadium (GIS).
That the outcome of the
stakeholder consultation process as set out in appendix 1,
paragraph 12 and appendix 2 to
the report be
That the negotiations currently underway with Gateshead
College be noted.
That ongoing further market investigation into a longer-term
solution to put GIS (excluding sports pitches) to the open market
to complement and enhance the education and sport offer be
That the inclusion of GIS within the agreed procurement process
for the operation of the Council’s Leisure Centres
be approved.
That a further report be submitted to Cabinet
in June 2024.
The above decisions have been made for the
following reasons:
To enable the development of a proposal which achieves the cost
neutral objective to the Council.
To ensure that any future recommendations for the use of the GIS
are made following a thorough options appraisal process to identify
an approach, which achieves a net zero budget, whilst considering
the impact this may have upon the facility users, community groups
and those users who are protected under the Equality Act.
C82 |
Infrastructure Funding Statement PDF 104 KB
Report of the Strategic Director, Economy,
Innovation and Growth
Additional documents:
Consideration has been given to
financial contributions the Council has secured through the
Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) contributions and Section 106
agreements from new developments, for off-site infrastructure works
and affordable housing and to the proposed Infrastructure Funding
Statement for publication.
That the Infrastructure Funding Statement as
set out in appendix 2 to the report be approved and published on
Council’s website by the end of December
The above decision has been made for the
following reasons:
To comply with
Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations.
To continue to
ensure that developer contributions received are published and
spent in a transparent manner.
C83 |
Nominations of Local Authority School Governors PDF 104 KB
Report of the Strategic Director,
Children’s Social Care and Lifelong Learning
Consideration has
been given to the nomination of Local Authority Governors to
schools seeking to retain their Local Authority governor in
accordance with The School Governance (Constitution) (England)
That the
nominations set out below be approved for a period of
four years
from the date shown, in accordance with the Schools’
Instrument of Government:
Date from
Windy Nook Primary
Cllr Rachel Mullen
Bensham Grove Nursery
Cllr C Donovan
Rowlands Gill
Mr J Park
The above decision has been taken to
ensure the School Governing Body has full
C84 |
Exclusion of the Press and Public
The Cabinet may wish to exclude the press and
public from the meeting during consideration of the following
item(s) on the grounds indicated:
Paragraph of Schedule 12A to the Local
Government Act 1972
That the press and public be excluded from the
meeting during consideration of the remaining items in accordance
with paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act
C85 |
Single Homelessness Accommodation Programme (SHAP) funding
Report of the Strategic Director, Housing,
Environment and Healthy Communities
Consideration has been given to two bids
for Single Homelessness Accommodation Programme
(SHAP) funding from the Department for Levelling Up Homes and
Communities (DLUHC) and Homes England.
That the recommendations in the report be
approved for
the reasons set out.
C86 |
Bus Service Improvement Plan Funding
Report of the Strategic Director, Economy,
Innovation and Growth
Consideration has been given to submit the relevant statements of assurance and
enter into funding agreements to access an
allocation of funding in the combined sum of
£8,956,626 from the Bus Service Improvement Fund to enable
implementation of a pocket park and ride and bus priority schemes
in Gateshead.
That the Service Director of Climate Change,
Compliance, Planning and Transport, be authorised to approve the
terms of the Grant Agreements with North East Combined Authority
(NECA) as accountable body, for funding to support the detailed
design and development of the Gateshead Bus Service Improvement
Plan (BSIP) Tranche 1 and Tranche 2 schemes listed in appendices 2
and 3 i of
the report, following consultation with the
Strategic Directors, Resources & Digital and Corporate Services
That the Strategic Director, Economy,
Innovation and Growth be authorised to submit such statements of
assurance as necessary for the Gateshead Bus Service Improvement
Plan (BSIP) schemes listed in appendices 2 and 3, to secure funding
approval from the North East Joint Transport Committee, following
consultation with the Portfolio holder for Environment &
Transport and the Strategic Directors, Resources & Digital and
Services & Governance.
The above decisions have been made to
enable the implementation of the Gateshead schemes
which may receive a funding allocation from the Bus Service
Improvement Plan Fund.
C87 |
Disposal of land at Askew Road West, Gateshead
Report of the Strategic Directors, Economy,
Innovation and Growth & Housing, Environment and Healthy
Consideration has been given to the disposal of 2.56 hectares (6.33acres) of land at Askew Road
West, as shown edged black on the plan attached to the report, for
housing development and to the proposed highway works to facilitate
this development as set out in appendix 1 and as shown in
appendices 4 and 5 to the report.
That the disposal of the
freehold interest of the subject site to Keepmoat Homes for a
purchase price of the amount set
out in the report be approved,
subject to the grant of planning permission and further site
That the Strategic Director,
Economy, Innovation & Growth following consultation with the
Leader of the Council, be
authorised to negotiate a
revised purchase price if necessary following further site
That the proposed highway works
to facilitate this development as set out in appendix 1 and as
shown in appendices 4 and 5 to the report, at an estimated cost
£3m be
The above decisions have been made for the
following reasons:
To dispose of an asset and
realise a capital receipt.
To enable development of 90 new
homes in Gateshead.