Agenda and minutes

Cabinet - Tuesday, 24th October, 2023 10.00 am

Venue: Blaydon Room - Civic Centre

Contact: Kevin Ingledew, Tel: 0191 433 2142, Email: 

No. Item


Apologies for absence


An apology for absence was received from Councillor B Oliphant.



Minutes pdf icon PDF 103 KB

Cabinet is asked to approve as a correct record the minutes of the last meeting held on 19 September 2023.


The minutes of the last meeting held on 19 September 2023 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chair.



Local Plan 2025-2045 - The Start of the Conversation pdf icon PDF 155 KB

Report of the Strategic Director, Economy, Innovation and Growth


Consideration has been given to starting the conversation with our communities on the Gateshead Local Plan and the independent Sustainability Appraisal.




The alternative option to that being recommended, but which was discounted, included not progressing a new Local Plan or delaying consultation.






That the Gateshead Plan Start of the Conversation document and Sustainability Appraisal be approved for a minimum of 8 weeks public consultation in accordance with Regulation 18 of the Local Planning Regulations.






That the Strategic Director, Economy Innovation and Growth, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Environment and Transport be authorised to make minor changes necessary to the documents prior to release for public consultation. 




The above decisions have been made for the following reasons:






An up-to-date Local Plan is essential for Gateshead Council in planning for future growth in a sustainable manner. The Local Plan will help to deliver our health and well-being, economic and housing strategies. Having an up-to-date planning framework reflecting current national policy will be more robust in determining planning applications and more efficient in terms of implementation through decisions on planning applications.






Public engagement is a key part of local plan preparation and ensuring our communities are involved in shaping the future of Gateshead. Feedback from the public and stakeholders will be considered in preparing the draft Local Plan.   



Local Government Boundary Commission for England - Electoral Review of Gateshead Council, Part Two (Warding Arrangements) pdf icon PDF 115 KB

Report of the Strategic Director, Corporate Services and Governance.

Additional documents:


Consideration has been given to the Council’s draft submission to the Local Government Boundary Commission for England (“Commission”) on Part Two of its review of Gateshead Council (Warding Pattern).






That the Council be recommended to:






agree the recommendation of the draft Submission in terms of the Council size remaining the same at 66 Councillors, across 22 wards, based on the new warding pattern, with three new ward names being proposed; and






agree that the Chief Executive, following consultation with the Leader of the Council, may make any amendments to the draft Submission she deems appropriate prior to it being filed with the Commission on 30 October 2023.




The above decision has been made because this is a periodic review undertaken by the Commission that the Council must partake in, with a requirement for the Submission to be filed on 30 October 2023.



Corporate Plan 2023-2028 - The strength of Gateshead is the people of Gateshead pdf icon PDF 123 KB

Report of the Chief Executive

Additional documents:


Consideration has been given to recommending the Council to approve ‘The strength of Gateshead is the people of Gateshead’ as its Corporate Plan 2023-2028. 




The alternative option to that being recommended, but which was discounted, included not having a Corporate Plan.






That the Council be recommended to:






Agree ‘The strength of Gateshead is the people of Gateshead’ as its Corporate Plan for 2023-2028.






Agree to commence engagement on the Corporate Plan priorities for 2023-2028 as set out at paragraph 9 of the report.






Agree to receive an annual report which reviews performance against the agreed priorities within the plan.




The above decision has been made to prioritise and guide the Council’s activity in response to borough-wide need. If agreed, the Corporate Plan will provide an agreed set of priorities which the Council will respond to, and which resource can be aligned. 



Medium Term Financial Strategy 2024/25 - 2028/29 pdf icon PDF 281 KB

Report of the Strategic Director, Resources and Digital

Additional documents:


Consideration has been given to recommending Council to approve the Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) 2024/25 to 2028/29 including the proposed MTFS principles and the medium-term financial context as set out in the report and appendix.






That the Council be recommended to approve the Medium-Term Financial Strategy for 2024/25 to 2028/29 and the medium-term financial context as set out in the report and appendix including:






the MTFS principles;






the approach to demand / cost interventions in social care:






extending the planned use of reserves from 3 to 5 years; and






a plan to replenish reserves to a sustainable level.




The above decisions have been made for the following reasons:






To contribute to the good financial management practice of the Council.






To assist the maintaining of the financial sustainability of the

Council over the medium to long term.



Budget Approach 2024/25 pdf icon PDF 238 KB

Report of the Strategic Director, Resources and Digital


Consideration has been given to the Council’s Budget Approach 2024/25 to 2028/29 including a high-level timeline that will support the delivery of a balanced budget for 2024/25 and approval of the budget in February 2024.






That the budget approach 2024/25 to 2028/29 as set out in

the report be approved.






That update reports be submitted to Cabinet as the activity progresses and options to deliver priority objectives and a sustainable financial position are developed.




The above decisions have been made for the following reasons:






To contribute to the good financial management practice of

the Council.






To assist the financial sustainability of the Council over the

medium to long term.






To support delivery of the Council’s Corporate Plan priorities and the Thrive objectives.



Exclusion of the Press and Public

The Cabinet may wish to exclude the press and public from the meeting during consideration of the following item(s) on the grounds indicated:


Item                                                     Paragraph of Schedule 12A to the Local                                                                   Government Act 1972


9                                                          3

10                                                        3

11                                                        3




That the press and public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the remaining business in accordance with paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972.



Housing Development Strategy and Delivery Programme

Report of the Strategic Director, Housing, Environment and Healthy Communities


Consideration has been given to progress with the Housing Development Strategy

and 5-year Delivery Programme (2022-2027) approved by Cabinet in October 2022 and to progressing a range of actions related to implementation of the programme.




The alternative option to those being recommended, but which was discounted, included the Council not proactively seeking development of Council owned sites within the borough.






That the progress made to date in relation to the Housing Development Strategy and 5-year Delivery Programme be noted.






That the proposed actions detailed in the report, including the progression of the proposed disposal of sites at Clasper and Chandless to help ensure the successful delivery of the

5-year programme, be approved.




The above decisions have been made for the following reasons:






To contribute towards the Council’s housing delivery targets to create new homes including the provision of more affordable homes.






To contribute towards economic recovery and provide training, employment and socio-economic benefits for the residents and businesses of Gateshead.






To utilise the Council’s land and property portfolio to support the Council’s policy priorities.






To help decrease pressure on the Council to allocate further land in the Green Belt for housing.






To bring forward vacant Council owned sites for redevelopment.






To deliver the objectives of the Housing Strategy 2019-30.






To promote the regeneration of the urban area and redevelopment of brownfield land.



Disposal of Land at Clayton Terrace, High Spen

Report of the Strategic Director, Economy, Innovation and Growth



Consideration has been given to the disposal of 0.59hectares (ha) (1.47acres) of land at Clayton Terrace, High Spen, shown edged black on the plan attached to

the report.




The alternative option to that being recommended, but which was discounted,

included the Council retaining the site.






That the disposal of the freehold interest of the subject site to Homes by Esh for a purchase price of the amount set out in the report, subject to planning permission and intrusive

site investigations, be approved.






That the Strategic Director, Economy Innovation and Growth, in consultation with the Leader, be authorised to negotiate a revised purchase price as a result of intrusive site investigations.






That the Strategic Director, Economy Innovation and

Growth, in consultation with the Leader, be authorised to accept the next best offer in the event that Homes by Esh withdraws from the purchase.




The above decisions have been made for the following reasons:






To dispose of an asset and realise a capital receipt. 






To enable development of new homes in Gateshead.



Disposal of land at Hillgate Quay

Report of the Strategic Director, Economy, Innovation and Growth


Consideration has been given to granting a new lease to By the River Brew for

Hillgate Quay.




The alternative option to that being recommended, but which was discounted,

included not extending the lease and seeking alternative arrangements for the site.






That the grant of a new lease to By the River Brewery Limited for Hillgate Quay as outlined in Appendix 1 of the report be approved and the Strategic Director, Economy, Innovation and Growth in consultation with the Strategic Director, Corporate Services and Governance and the Strategic Director, Resources and Digital be authorised to agree the detailed lease terms.






That the Strategic Director, Economy, Innovation and Growth in consultation with the Strategic Director, Corporate Services and Governance and the Strategic

Director, Resources and Digital be authorised to:







formulate an evidenced and principled subsidy justification case based upon the high-level subsidy analysis contained in the appendix to the report; and 







submit it on behalf of the Council to the Department for Business Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) subsidy transparency database portal in compliance with the UK Subsidy Control Scheme.






That the Gateshead Newcastle Joint Bridges Committee be consulted in relation to a proposal to utlilise the Tyne Bridge Tower (Gateshead) as part of the new development on Hillgate Quay.




The above decisions have been made for the following reasons:






To enable the delivery of the Council’s Economic

Development Strategy.






To increase the visitor economy.






To enhance Gateshead Quays development.