No. |
Item |
C46 |
Apologies for absence
An apology for absence has been received from
Councillor B Oliphant.
C47 |
Minutes PDF 98 KB
Cabinet is asked to approve as a correct
record the minutes of the last meeting held on 18 July 2023.
The minutes of the last meeting held on 18
July 2023 were approved as a correct record and signed by the
C48 |
0-19 Public Health Nursing Service - Future Commissioning Arrangements PDF 143 KB
Report of the Director of Public Health
Consideration has been given to the commissioning options for the 0-19 service delivery post
30th June 2024 when the current contract comes to an
The alternative options to those being
recommended, but which were discounted, included doing nothing,
in-house delivery and open tender process.
That the development and
entering into a Section 75 NHS Act 2006 Partnership agreement with
Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust for the delivery of the
0-19 Public Health Nursing Service with effect from 1 July 2024 be
That the Public Health Team be
authorised to undertake a public consultation engagement exercise
on the use of the partnership arrangement as required by Regulation
4(2) of the Partnership Regulations 2000.
That a
further report be submitted to Cabinet by April 2024 to update on
the consultation engagement exercise and the development of the
Section 75 agreement and to include the new 0-19 service delivery
model, proposed outcomes and performance framework, length of
agreement and financial costings.
The above decisions have been made for the
following reasons:
To ensure the improved delivery
of the Council’s public health related functions.
To enable the further
development of an integrated prevention and early help offer to
improve outcomes for children and families in line with the Family
Hubs and Start for Life Programme, and the Gateshead Partnership
Early Help Strategy.
To contribute towards the
Councils strategic vision “Thrive” and the priorities
of the Health and Wellbeing Strategy.
To further develop
collaborative working recognising the strengths, opportunities and
challenges faced by local government and the wider heath
To ensure the Council meets its
statutory responsibilities to carry out a joint consultation with
such persons as appear to be affected by such
C49 |
Annual Report of the Audit and Standards Committee 2022/23 PDF 127 KB
Report of the Strategic Director, Resources
and Digital
Consideration has been given to the Audit and
Standards Committee Annual Report for 2022/23.
That the Council be recommended to endorse the
Audit and Standards Committee Annual Report for 2022/23.
The above decision has been made to
strengthen the Council’s
arrangements for oversight by councillors of governance, audit,
risk management, the internal control framework, value for money
and efficiency.
C50 |
Heat Network Efficiency Scheme Grant Funding for East Street Flats PDF 116 KB
Report of the Strategic Director, Housing,
Environment and Healthy Communities.
Consideration has been given to urgent
decisions taken to bid for and accept Heat Network Efficiency
Scheme grant funding of £0.75m to refurbish
the heating system East Street Flats.
That the urgent action taken by the Strategic
Director, Economy, Innovation and Growth in bidding for and
accepting the Heat Network Efficiency Scheme grant funding of
£0.75m to refurbish the heating system
East Street Flats, in accordance with
Schedule 5, Part 2 General Delegations to Managers, Paragraph (4)
(e) of the Council’s Constitution be noted.
The above decision has been made for the
following reasons:
The refurbishment works are
required with or without the funding and this will help to reduce
the financial cost for the Council.
These works will benefit the
residents of the flats, with more efficient heating for their homes
and resulting in reduced heating bills.
These works will reduce the
energy use and carbon emissions of the blocks, support the Climate
Change Strategy.
C51 |
Proposed Demolition of former Bowls Pavilion at Birtley Welfare Park, Birtley PDF 86 KB
Report of the Strategic Director, Housing,
Environment and Healthy Communities
Additional documents:
Consideration has been given to the proposed demolition of the former Bowls Pavilion, Birtley
Welfare Park, Birtley.
The alternative option to that being
recommended, but which was discounted, included rebuilding the
That the property be demolished and the land incorporated within the
surrounding open space within the park.
The above decision has been made for the
following reasons:
To manage the Trust’s
assets in line with the objects of the Trust and in line with the
Council’s Corporate Asset Strategy and Management
To mitigate any potential
future costs incurred through further acts of vandalism and realise
savings for the Trust.
C52 |
Future Use of St Mary’s Heritage Centre PDF 107 KB
Report of the Strategic Director, Economy,
Innovation and Growth
Additional documents:
Consideration has been given to the
granting of a long lease of St Mary’s Heritage
Centre to Tyne and Wear Building Preservation Trust to ensure the
future sustainability and maintenance of this heritage
The alternative option to that being
recommended, but which was discounted, included selling the
property on the open market.
That the grant of a long lease
of St Marys Heritage Centre to Tyne and Wear Building Preservation
Trust, as set out in the report be approved.
That the Strategic Director, Economy
Innovation & Growth, following consultation with the Strategic
Director, Corporate Services and Governance, be authorised to
negotiate the detailed terms of the lease.
The above decisions have been made for the
following reasons:
To secure the building’s
future as an important heritage asset for Gateshead.
To complement regeneration
plans at the Quays and the Town Centre.
To provide financial savings to
the Council.
C53 |
Decisions taken under Delegated Powers during Summer Recess 2023 PDF 84 KB
Report of the Strategic Director, Economy,
Innovation and Growth
Consideration has been given to a decision made under delegated powers during the summer recess
That the decision
made under delegated powers during the summer recess as set out in
appendix 2 to the report, namely the award of a contract for
the removal and replacement inappropriate fire cavity
barriers be noted.
The delegated
decision has been made to enable the contract to progress and to
avoid delay in delivery of the capital programme and its related
C54 |
Nominations of Local Authority School Governors PDF 88 KB
Report of the Strategic Director,
Children’s Social Care and Lifelong Learning
Consideration has been given to the nomination
of a Local Authority School Governor to Swalwell Primary
The Chair noted Councillor Beadle’s
concerns about the current process for
nominating Local Authority School
That Councillor Dorothy Burnett be nominated
for re-appointment as a Local Authority School Governor to Swalwell
Primary School, for a period of four years, with effect from 11
December 2023, as stipulated by the School’s Instrument of
The above decision has been made to
ensure the School Governing Body has full
C55 |
Petitions Schedule PDF 120 KB
Report of the Strategic Director, Corporate
Services and Governance
Consideration has
been given to an update on petitions submitted to the Council and
the action taken on them.
That the petitions received and the action
taken on them be noted.
The above decision has been taken to inform
Cabinet of the progress of petitions.
C56 |
Exclusion of the Press and Public
The Cabinet may wish to exclude the press and
public from the meeting during consideration of the following
item(s) on the grounds indicated:
Paragraph of Schedule 12A to the Local
Government Act 1972
That the press and public be excluded from the
meeting during consideration of the remaining items in accordance
with paragraphs 1 and 3 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act
C57 |
Supporting Independent Living and Adaptations Review
Report of the Strategic Director, Housing,
Environment and Healthy Communities
Consideration has been given to proposals to develop a new independent living and adaptations
service for Gateshead.
That the proposals to develop a
new independent living and adaptations service for Gateshead as set
out in the report be approved.
That the intention to review
the current Financial Assistance (Adaptations) Policy to support
the development of the new service and to submit a further report
to Cabinet on this, be noted.
The above decisions have been made for the
following reasons:
Promoting and enabling people to live
independently in Gateshead is at the heart of the Council’s
Thrive ambition and will support achievement of its Health &
Wellbeing aims and objectives.
To ensure key policies such as the Financial
Assistance Policy remain current and fit for purpose.
C58 |
Specialist and Supported Housing Needs Assessment and Strategy
Report of the Strategic Director, Housing,
Environment and Healthy Communities
Consideration has been given to recommending
Council to approve a new Specialist and Supported
Housing Needs Assessment and Strategy.
That the Council be recommended to:
Approve the Specialist and Supported Housing Needs
Assessment and Strategy as set out in appendices 2 and 3 to the
Approve the release of a redacted version
of the needs assessment and strategy prior to releasing the full
version when related confidential market engagement activity has
been completed.
Approve the undertaking of an annual
review of the needs assessment by Council Officers to determine if
need and demand remains the same or has changed.
Agree to receive a future report on the financial plan
between health, housing and social care as outlined in paragraph 12
of the report.
The above decisions have been made for the
following reasons:
To enable strategic planning
and development of specialist and supported accommodation with
internal and external partners to meet assessed need and demand in
the borough.
To meet the expectation set out
in the Supported Housing (Regulatory Oversight) Bill for local
authorities to create a Supported Housing Strategy following an
assessment of need for this provision in their local
C59 |
Local Authority Housing Fund (LAHF) Round 2
Report of the Strategic Director, Housing
Environment and Healthy Communities
Consideration has been given to the urgent
action taken to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with
the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC),
to participate in the Local Authority Housing Fund (LAHF) Round 2
programme, including the purchase of additional residential
dwellings in the Borough.
That the urgent action taken by
the Deputy Strategic Director, Housing, Environment and Healthy
Communities in entering into a Memorandum of Understanding with the
Department of Levelling Up, Housing & Communities, to
participate in the Local Authority Housing Fund Round 2
programme, in accordance with
Schedule 5, Part 2 General Delegations to Managers, Paragraph (4)
(e) of the Council’s Constitution be noted.
That the Deputy
Strategic Director, Housing, Environment and
Healthy Communities, in consultation with the Strategic Director,
Resources and Digital and the Strategic Director, Corporate
Services and Governance be authorised to negotiate the purchase of
residential dwellings that meet the criteria for the Afghan
Relocation Assistance Policy (ARAP) and the Afghan Citizens
Resettlement Scheme (ACRS).
That it be noted Legal and
Financial advice will be taken on each purchase or acquisition
under (ii) above and the delegation, including authority to approve
the signing of the contract for sale and the sealing of the
relevant conveyancing document.
The above decisions have been made for the
following reasons:
To contribute
towards the Council’s housing delivery targets to create new
homes including the provision of more affordable homes.
To secure the
LAHF Round 2 grant funding of the amount set out in the report, to
support an additional 10 properties.
The scheme will
add the 10 additional family properties and create a lasting supply
of affordable housing for the general population, and stock will
become available to support wider local authority general housing
and homelessness responsibilities after the immediate needs of the
eligible cohort have been addressed.
To deliver the
objectives of the Housing Strategy 2019-30.
To ensure
compliance with the Council’s Constitution and any
limitations on its relevant legal powers.