Venue: Bridges Room - Civic Centre. View directions
Contact: Democratic Services, Tel: 0191 433 2149, E-mail:
No. | Item |
Apologies for absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Oliphant. |
Cabinet is asked to approve the minutes of the last meeting held on 19 November 2024 Minutes: The minutes of the last meeting held on 19 November 2024 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair. |
Declarations of Interest Cabinet members to declare an interest in any particular agenda item. Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
Construction contracts for swimming pool energy projects PDF 192 KB Report of the Interim Strategic Director, Economy, Innovation and Growth Minutes: Consideration was given to the approval to award construction contracts up to a value of £3.736m to Equans Regenerations Ltd to complete installations of heat pumps and solar PV systems at Dunston and Blaydon leisure centres. RESOLVED: (i) Cabinet noted the progress to date, and the remaining risks and reasons, in taking this project forward to construction at this time (ii) Cabinet approved the award of construction contracts up to a value of £3.736m to Equans Regeneration Limited for heat pump and solar PV installations at Dunston Leisure Centre and Blaydon Leisure and Primary Care Centre The above decision was made for the following reasons: (i) To improve energy efficiency and reduce carbon emissions of the swimming pools in question (ii) To support the future viability of swimming pools in Gateshead (iii) To support the Council’s Climate Emergency Action Plan to achieve net zero emissions by 2030 |
Infrastructure Funding Statement PDF 113 KB Report of the Interim Strategic Director Economy, Innovation and Growth Additional documents:
Minutes: Consideration was given to a report informing Cabinet of financial contributions the Council has secured through the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) contributions and Section 106 agreements from new developments for off-site infrastructure works and affordable housing. RESOLVED: (i) Cabinet approves the IFS set out in Appendix 2 so that it can be published on the Council’s website by the end of December 2024. The above decision has been made to comply with the CIL Regulations and to continue to ensure that developer contributions received are published and spent in a transparent manner. |
Procurement and contracts report PDF 97 KB Report of the Strategic Director, Corporate Services and Governance Additional documents: Minutes: Consideration was given to approve the procurement and awarding of contracts in line with the current National Procurement Policy Statement issued by the Government in 2021. RESOLVED: (i) That the Service Director for Corporate Commissioning and Procurement be authorised to: a. invite or negotiate tenders, or; b. conduct other procurement processes; c. to complete the relevant processes (where they have already begun) in respect of the contracts listed in Appendix 2; d. to award the relevant contracts to the tenderers submitting the most economically advantageous tenders (or most advantageous tender following implementation of the Procurement Act) in accordance with the Contract Procedure Rules.
(ii) That Cabinet should continue to receive an updated report twice per year. (iii) That the procurement activity set out in Appendix 2 of the report will form the basis of the Council’s Procurement Pipeline The above decision has been made for the following reasons: (i) To enable the procurement of goods, works and services required for the efficient and effective delivery of services; (ii) To enable Cabinet to be updated with progress and changes to the procurement forward plan; (iii) To comply with the National Procurement Policy Statement and Procurement Act when it is implemented. |
Gambling Statement of Principles 2025-2028 PDF 142 KB Report of the Interim Strategic Director, Economy, Innovation and Growth Additional documents: Minutes: Consideration was given to a report on a Statement of Principles for application in 2025 – 2028, in accordance with the Gabling Act 2005, following public consultation on a redrafting of the principals this year. RESOLVED: (i) That Cabinet recommend to Council to note the Treasury Management Performance to 30 September 2024. The above decision has been made to ensure that the Council’s functions under the Gambling Act 2005 can be discharged effectively. |
Building Safety, Compliance and Damp PDF 109 KB Report of the Interim Strategic Director, Housing, Environment and Healthy Communities Additional documents:
Minutes: Consideration was given to a report proposing the introduction of six revised compliance policies and one new damp and mould policy, in addition to informing Cabinet of the outcome of two external compliance health checks and the implementation of new compliance software. RESOLVED: (i) Cabinet approved the compliance and damp and mould policies and associated process change; and (ii) Agreed to receive a further report in six months’ time to review policy implementation and the impact on both future customer service and performance. The above decision has been made to ensure compliance with current legislation and good practice, and to ensure customer and colleague safety. |
Nomination of Local Authority Governors for Maintained Schools PDF 92 KB Report of the Strategic Director of Children’s Social Care and Lifelong Learning Minutes: Consideration has been given to the nominations of Local Authority Governors to schools seeking to retain their Local Authority governor in accordance with The School Governance (Constitution) (England) Regulations. RESOLVED: (i) Cabinet approved the appointment of Councillor M McNestry for Highfield Community Primary School; and (ii) Cabinet approved the reappointment of Councillor J Simpson for Parkhead Community Primary School (iii) Cabinet agreed that the terms of office shall be determined by the school’s Instrument of Government. The above decision has been made to ensure that the School Governing Bodies concerned have full membership. |
Future Social Housing Rent Policy – Response to Consultation PDF 177 KB Report of the Strategic Director, Resources and Digital and the Interim Strategic Director, Housing, Environment and Healthy Communities Minutes: Consideration was given to a report proposing a response to the Government’s consultation on the Future Social Housing Rent Policy. The main theme of the proposed response is that Gateshead would benefit from rent stability but to ensure that there is confidence in the sector there are several other measures that the Government need to consider. RESOLVED: (i) Cabinet agreed to the proposed response to the Government’s consultation on the Future Social Housing Project. The above decision was made to enable the Council to contribute to a response to the proposed policy. |