Agenda and minutes

Care, Health and Wellbeing Overview and Scrutiny Committee - Tuesday, 6th December, 2022 1.30 pm

Venue: Bridges Room - Civic Centre

Contact: Helen wade email 

No. Item


Minutes of last meeting pdf icon PDF 105 KB

The Committee are asked to approve the minutes of the last meeting held on 25 October 2022 (attached).


The minutes of the last meeting, held on 25 October 2022 were approved as a correct record.


Update on Primary Care Networks/Work to Attract and Retain a multi professional Workforce /Access to GP Appointments

Lynne Paterson, Portfolio Lead Gateshead Place, NE& NC ICB, will provide the OSC with a presentation on this matter.


Lynne Paterson, Portfolio Lead, Neil Bunney, Primary Care Portfolio Manager and Nicola McDougal, Strategic Workforce Development Lead provided the OSC with a presentation and workforce update.


The presentation focused on an update on Primary Care Networks, access to appointments during the transition out of Covid and work to attract and retain a multi professional health workforce within primary care.


The OSC were advised on PCN Structure, and PCN patient list sizes across the borough, GP appointments pre and post pandemic. ARRS (Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme), PCN extended access, OPEL levels in primary care and recruitment and retention.


The Committee welcomed the presentation and raised questions pertaining to real life experiences by members of their constituencies and themselves as elected members.


The officers were asked to return to future meeting of the OSC to provide further updates of what not is working well within the PCN system.




That the information be noted



That a further presentation be provided to a future meeting of the OSC to provide updates of what is not working well within the PCN system across Gateshead.







Performance Management and Improvement Framework - Six Month Update pdf icon PDF 6 MB

Report of Strategic Director, Resources and Digital (attached).


Lindsay Murray, Director of Commercialisation and Improvement provided the Committee with a report outlining the Council’s new Performance Management and Improvement Framework for the period 1 April 2022 to 30 September 2022. Steph Downey, Service Director, Adult Social Care, highlighted the key challenges and areas of excellence for this OSC in a presentation and proposed work on the discharge to assess model.


The OSC were advised that the analysis of performance against each of the 6 policy objectives of the Health & Wellbeing Strategy and the Balanced Scorecard were set out in Appendix 1 which was attached to the report for information.


The report outlined the challenges, achievements, actions and resources for each policy objective. It also contains performance data including strategic and operational measures and is informed by qualitative and quantitative assessment to inform policy and resource decisions.


The Committee were advised that areas of excellence and improvement included:


·        Response to the Covid-19 pandemic continued throughout 2021/22 with support to the most vulnerable, public health advice and campaigns.

·        The pandemic response being scaled back proportionate to risk and national guidelines with focus on the health impacts of the pandemic.

·        Targeted Covid vaccination clinics have been delivering an offer to local communities with greatest need.

·        Work to deliver the Health and Wellbeing strategy outcomes has commenced. This has previously been on hold due to pandemic however a new group has been established involving the Council and its partners to understand what has changed, and how best to deliver the objectives set out in the cross-cutting strategy.


The Committee were advised that actions included:


·        Development of a 3-year alcohol and substance misuse plan, to utilise significant Home Office investment in treatment service following the Dame Caro Black Review

·        Budget review work is underway across the Council to ensure Council resources are deployed in a prioritised way focusing on delivery of Thrive outcomes and impact.

·        Preparation for CQC Assurance, implications of the ASC White Paper, charging reforms and fair cost of care with a particular focus on data, practice and policies.

·        Focus on the preparation and implementation of the new Mosaic care management system which is a big area of change for the service.

·        Take forward Technology Enabled Care using digital solutions to promote independence and support health and wellbeing

·        Reviewing recruitment and retention issues with proposals being developed for consideration.


In conclusion, the OSC were advised about further development and were advised that an overview document was attached at Appendix 2 of the report and a glossary of terms used in creation of the report was attached at Appendix 3.




That the information be noted



The OSC recommended the performance report to Cabinet for consideration in January 2023.



Annual Report of Local Safeguarding Board and Business Plans and emerging priorities pdf icon PDF 2 MB

CReport of Dale Owens, Strategic Director, Integrated Adults and Social Care Services (attached).


Catherine Hardman, Business Manager, Safeguarding Adults Board provided the OSC with a report and presentation of the Safeguarding Adults Board (SAB) statutory Annual Report 2021/22 and the updated refresh of the Strategic Plan 2019/2024.


The OSC were advised that the SAB 2021/22 Annual Report highlights the progress throughout the 2021/22 financial year. The report also articulates how partner governance arrangements ensure members are accountable for Safeguarding Adults. The SAB completed a challenge event in March 2022 to examine the effectiveness of the SAB, the results showed demonstrated strong partnership relationships, commitment to work together and enthusiasm for the work of the partners.


Key areas of work in 2021/22 include the ICS wide pilot of forensic examination services for adults presenting with unexplained or non-accidental injuries, the introduction of the Fire Service Standard to support safeguarding, launch of the ‘Tricky Friends’ animation helping those with cognitive difficulties to make and maintain positive friendships, launch of the Northumbria Police Force Vulnerability Strategy, embedding Primary Care Mental Health practitioners into primary care networks, launch of Gateshead Council ASSET team (Adult Services Support and Engagement Team), maintenance and preparation for implementation of Liberty Protection Safeguards. During 2021/22 the Safeguarding Adults Board continued to explore opportunities for working collaboratively at a regional level.


The OSC were advised that the revised Strategic Plan 2019/24 (2022 refresh) sets out how the Safeguarding Adults Board will achieve its five Strategic Priorities which are:


·        Quality Assurance

·        Prevention

·        Communication and Engagement

·        Operational Practice

·        Mental Capacity


The Strategic Plan includes key challenges to be addressed over the five-year period. 2023 will be the final year of the Strategic Plan, during 2023 the Board will be working to develop their Strategic Plan for 2024-2029.


RESOLVED – That the information be noted


OSC Work Programme pdf icon PDF 68 KB

Joint Report of the Chief Executive and Strategic Director, Corporate Services and Governance (attached).

Additional documents:


The OSC received a report setting out changes to the provisional work programme for the municipal year 2022-23 as set out in the appendices to the report.


In addition the OSC agreed to slot in Newcastle Gateshead Persistent Physical Symptoms Service into the programme for consideration at the meeting in January 2023.




That the information be noted



That further reports on the work programme be brought to Committee to identify and additional policy issues which the Committee may be asked to consider.