Agenda and minutes

Planning and Development Committee - Wednesday, 28th September, 2022 6.00 pm

Venue: Bridges Room - Civic Centre

Contact: Helen Wade - Email: 

No. Item


Minutes pdf icon PDF 212 KB

The Committee is asked to approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 31 August 2022 (copy previously circulated).



The minutes of the meeting held on 31 August 2022 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.



Declarations of Interest

Members to declare interests in any agenda items



Councillor C Ord declared a personal interest in application DC/21/01405/FUL and removed himself from the meeting and therefore did not take part in the discussion or subsequent voting.


Planning Applications pdf icon PDF 143 KB

Report of the Service Director, Climate Change, Compliance, Planning and Transport

Additional documents:



i) That the full planning applications and outline applications specified in the appendix to these minutes be granted, refused or referred to the Department for Communities and Local Government or deferred as indicated subject to the conditions, if any, as specified therein and to any other appropriate conditions of a routine or standard nature.



ii) That the applications granted in accordance with delegated powers be noted.




Proposed S102 Modification Order - Bank Top, Swalwell Bank Whickham pdf icon PDF 93 KB

Report of the Service Director, Climate Change, Compliance, Planning and Transport


The Committee received a report which provided an update about the progress of the order under section 102 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 regarding the alteration of an existing unfinished house which was granted planning permission in 1998 on the site known as Bank Top, Swalwell Bank, Whickham.


The Committee were advised that after many years of negotiation which struggled to find a way forward, on 26 February 2020, Planning and Development Committee resolved to serve a S102 order. This would amend the planning permission to a new design (agreed with the Landowner) which would overcome the impact on the neighbouring properties by lowering the height, obscurely glazing windows and providing landscaping to prevent overlooking.


As required by legislation, the s102 notice was submitted to the Secretary of State for confirmation and, at the same time, notice was served on both the owner of the land and the immediate neighbouring properties inviting them to make any comments to the Planning Inspectorate.


The Planning Inspectorate held an Inquiry on 22-24 February 2022, which included two visits to the property and surrounding area. This was a hybrid Inquiry with residents from neighbouring properties and a Ward Councillor attending and giving evidence virtually.


On 2 August 2022, the Secretary of State (DLUHC) confirmed the Order as submitted by the Council subject to the following modifications:


·        the timescale for the alterations to be completed has been extended from 1 year to 2 years

·        the requirement to undertake planting proposals/landscaping has been removed as these were not considered to be necessary

·        a new condition preventing any new windows at first or second floor level on the north and west elevations.


The Landowner has 2 years in which to implement the alterations to the property, namely:


·        to remove the pitched roof and replace with a flat roofed design and,

·        to alter the windows in the north and west elevations to provide obscure glazed windows, stained glass obscure glazed windows and to remove an existing window


Officers will monitor the property over the next two years to ensure that the works are being undertaken in accordance with the requirements of the order.


The Committee were advised that this is a longstanding matter with considerable local interest. Officers are pleased that, after full and careful consideration of all interested parties’ views, the Secretary of State has agreed to confirm the order which will enable the landowner to finally complete the development.


RESOLVED – That the information be noted.

















Housing Delivery Test Action Plan pdf icon PDF 205 KB

Report of the Service Director, Climate Change, Compliance, Planning and Transport


The Committee received a report informing them of a new Housing Delivery Test Action Plan. If the action plan is approved by Cabinet it will be published on the Council’s website. Previous action plans were published in 2019, 2020 and 2021.


As in previous years, the Action Plan firstly examines the existing situation in terms of delivery of housing in the Borough and what the consequences are in terms of under-delivery. It then examines the root causes of under-delivery before assessing how successful the measures in the previous action plan have been before setting out key actions and responses, updated from the 2021 Action Plan, and ways of measuring these.


The Action Plan is aligned with the Council’s Housing Strategy, the Core Strategy and the Council’s pledge to make Gateshead A Place Where Everyone Thrives.


The next set of results from the HDT is expected in January 2023. In-year monitoring of housing completions in 2021-22 suggest that Gateshead will again fall short of the requirement. This would require a further Action Plan in 2023 which would however provide an opportunity to review the action plan and the success of the measures already in place.


Members may recall that the “Presumption in favour of sustainable development was triggered by the previous poor delivery results. This meant that in some circumstances some of the council’s planning policies would be considered out-of-date and unable to be applied to some housing applications. This is no longer the case with this year’s improved results although it continues to be a risk for the future.


RESOLVED – That the information be noted.


Enforcement Team Activity pdf icon PDF 92 KB

Report of the Service Director, Climate Change, Compliance, Planning and Transport


The Committee received a report advising them of Enforcement Team Activity between 17/08/2022 and 14/09/2022.


The Enforcement Team has received 149 new service requests and currently have 607 cases under investigation, with 146 resolved and 2 pending prosecutions.


RESOLVED – That the information be noted.


Enforcement Action pdf icon PDF 119 KB

Report of the Service Director, Climate Change, Compliance, Planning and Transport


Consideration was given to a report that informed of the progress of enforcement action previously authorised by the Committee.





That the information be noted.



Planning Appeals pdf icon PDF 89 KB

Report of the Service Director, Climate Change, Compliance, Planning and Transport

Additional documents:


The Committee received a report advising them of new appeals received and to report the decisions of the Secretary of State received during the period.


Since the last Committee there have been no new appeals lodged.


Since the last Committee there has been two new appeal decisions received.


Since the last Committee there has been no appeal cost decisions.


RESOLVED – That the information be noted.


Planning Obligations pdf icon PDF 77 KB

Report of the Service Director, Climate Change, Compliance, Planning and Transport

Additional documents:


The Committee received a report advising them of the completion of Planning Obligations which have previously been authorised.


Since the last Committee there has been no new planning obligations.


Since the last Committee there has been no new payments received in respect of planning obligations.


RESOLVED – That the information be noted.