Issue - meetings

Financial Impact of COVID 19 and Wider Implications

Meeting: 23/06/2020 - Cabinet (Item 5)

5 Gateshead Council's response to COVID-19 - Financial Update, Wider Implications and Steps Towards Recovery pdf icon PDF 413 KB

Report of the Chief Executive and Strategic Director, Resources and Digital


Consideration has been given to:


a)    an update on the Council’s response to the COVID 19 crisis,

b)    the financial implications of the Council’s response; and

c)    to the potential direction of travel for how Gateshead will plan to come through this period of crisis and into a reformed and revitalised place, one that positively embraces some of the new ways of working and tackles the challenges and fragility that exists within the borough.






That the contents of the report be noted.






That a further report be submitted to the next meeting of Cabinet.






That further engagement commences with all councillors as the first step towards agreeing the Council’s recovery plan; then engaging with a host of stakeholders to inform our response.






That thanks and appreciation to all staff, partners, and the community for their response to the crisis be placed on record.




The above decisions have been made for the following reasons:






To support and guide the borough’s recovery from COVID-19.






To help support and build a more resilient Gateshead.






To acknowledge the efforts of all those involved in the response to the crisis.