Issue - meetings

Redevelopment of Intermediate Care

Meeting: 19/11/2019 - Cabinet (Item 94)

Intermediate Care Proposals

Report of the Strategic Director, Children, Adults and Families


Additional documents:


Consideration has been given to the development of a new Intermediate Care service.



(i)            That the proposals to move to a single site model of Intermediate Care be approved.



(ii)          That the provisional terms for the purchase of River View, Felling be approved.



(iii)         That the Acting Strategic Director, Economy, Innovation and Growth, in consultation with the Strategic Directors, Corporate Services and Governance and Resources and Digital, be given delegated authority to negotiate the detailed terms of the purchase.



(iv)         That the existing Promoting Independence Centres at Eastwood, Shadon House and Southernwood be declared surplus to requirements, on completion of the project, and a further report be received considering the future of these assets.


The above decisions have been made for the following reasons:



(A)           To enable a cost effective and efficient model of Intermediate Care, based on clinical best practice.



(B)           To ensure that the Borough’s Intermediate Care estate is fit for the future.