Issue - meetings

Update on Trading Companies

Meeting: 16/07/2019 - Cabinet (Item 50)

Gateshead Council's Trading Companies Operational and Financial Position 2018/09

Report of the Strategic Director, Corporate Resources


Consideration has been given to the current trading activity undertaken

through subsidiaries wholly owned by the Council.


RESOLVED -            (i)         That the report outlining company activity to date                                             including the contribution to Council Thrive                                                        priorities be noted.


                                    (ii)        That an annual composite report be presented                                                  to Cabinet covering the activities of the companies.


The above decisions have been were made for the following reasons:


(A)       To contribute to the sound governance, operational and financial management

                                                of the Council’s wholly owned subsidiary                                                            companies.


(B)       To assist effective financial and performance    oversight and awareness of all Council activity,     regardless of delivery model.