Issue - meetings

Gateshead Regeneration Partnership (GRP)

Meeting: 21/05/2019 - Cabinet (Item 14)

Revisions to the Delivery Model for the Gateshead Regeneration Partnership

Report of the Acting Strategic Director, Communities and Environment and

Strategic Director, Corporate Services and Governance


Consideration has been given to the revised delivery model for Gateshead Regeneration Partnership (GRP), the Council’s housing joint venture with Evolution Gateshead.


RESOLVED -            (i)         That the principles relating to the revised ways of                                             working with Evolution Gateshead within the GRP,                                           recommended in principle by the GRP Board                                                           Members, to improve the delivery and

                                                management of GRP schemes, primarily                                                            promoting greater transparency, accountability and

                                                pace be approved.


(ii)        That the Strategic Director, Corporate Services                         and Governance be authorised, following

                                                consultation with the Strategic Director, Corporate                                            Resources, to agree amendments to the legal

documents to reflect the revised ways of working.


(iii)       That the principle of providing funding to GRP by                      way of a capital injection to address site

                                                specific constraints be approved, subject to the                                                 outcome of the State Aid analysis and Site                                                         Business Plan.


(iv)       That the Strategic Director, Corporate Resources                     be authorised, following consultation with

                                                the Strategic Director, Corporate Services and                                                  Governance, to agree the value of any capital

                                                injection having considered the underlying                                                         business case and advice from the external

                                                commercial and legal advisors to ensure                                                            compliance with State Aid legislation.


(v)        That the transfer of the Kelvin Grove site to GRP                      for delivery of 52 homes, with changes to

                                                the terms of the disposal to be agreed by the                                                     Strategic Director, Corporate Services and

                                                Governance, including the provision of £0.555m of                                           Accelerated Construction funding from Homes                                                  England be approved, subject to the outcome of                                            the State Aid analysis.


The above decisions have been made for the following reasons:


(A)       To Support the delivery of new homes, including          affordable homes and specialist accommodation.


(B)       To utilise the Council’s land and property portfolio        to support the Council’s policy priorities in

                                                accordance with the provisions of the Council’s                                                Corporate Asset Strategy and Management Plan
